Monday 26 January 2015

Book Review: Mothering From Scratch

Cover Art

From The Back:

Find Your Own Mothering Style

Trying to follow someone else's rules for mothering can take the joy out of being a parent. But Mothering From Scratch shows you how to develop your own style that helps you be the best mom for your kids.

Full of solid biblical truth, this book will help you
· explore your personality and examine your strengths and weaknesses in order to find what works for you
· tap into the resources surrounding you and get mentoring and support from other moms
· push past the fear of change or doing it wrong and allow room for grace in your mothering

Melinda Means and Kathy Helgemo provide a flexible, customizable approach to help you discover your optimal parenting style.

My Reflections:

Mothering from Scratch is an encouraging warm read, filled with insightful and authentic examples.

I quite enjoyed this unique twist on a traditional parenting book. Usually a parenting book will lay out what to do to make you a better parent. If you do A then B will change. What drew me to this title is what draws many parents to these types of books, a feeling that perhaps getting it right is a formula.

Having been a mom for only 14 years, I am getting it that we all fail from time to time in this journey of raising up our beloved children, but the joy is in the little moments and in the giving it up to the one who gave us our beautiful treasures.

That is what this book is all about in a nutshell finding our God blessed strengths and giving all the rest to God to help us become the mom he has designed us to be.

Written by mothers to mothers of all stages and ages this book is a loving spoonful of Grace based parenting ideas. Now don't get me wrong it is not as airy fairy as you may be thinking, it does touch on how we still need boundaries and rules to guide and nurture our children into adulthood. That is just a given.

Every family looks a little different and the gifts you have been given are not the same as your best friends. Finding the balance is only achieved by surrendering your "style" to God and asking him to guide you. This along with a good support network are key in my estimation!

So if you are looking for something a little different, check out this book. I found it to be a refreshing change.

I was given this book free of charge in return for my honest review from Graf-Martin Communications.
Thank you Graf-Martin!

About The Authors:

  1. Melinda Means
    © Doug Bunnell EHS Photo Studios

    Melinda Means

    Melinda Means is a writer, speaker, and mom blogger at Mothering From Scratch (, as well as women's ministry director at First Alliance Church in Port Charlotte, Florida. She has been a freelance writer since her daughter was an...
    Continue reading about Melinda Means
  2. Kathy Helgemo
    © Doug Bunnell EHS Photo Studios

    Kathy Helgemo

    Kathy Helgemo started out as an English teacher after graduating from Florida State University, moved through various other jobs, and landed in her current one as a freelance writer from home. She blogs with Melinda at Her blog posts...
    Continue reading about Kathy Helgemo

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